Summer Sun
As we look outside of the windows right now in our Orlando offices the weather is sunny and clear.
But remember folks- this is Florida. That nice weather outside could turn into a massive downpour in a matter of minutes.
With weather changes that fast we (of course, seeing as it’s us) figured out that the only thing that could really help us understand the weather was a real-time data visualization.
Luckily the Internet is just teeming with them! We’ve scoured the web and found some absolutely amazing real-time weather visualizations so you can make the most out of our your summer weekend!
Augmented Data Visualization
Last Friday we wrote about augmented reality for pretty obvious reasons: seems everyone out there is playing Pokemon Go and thus are thinking about different ways that technology can interact with the world around us.
True to VisualCue form we did a little digging after we wrote about it on Friday and are happy to present the results of a weekend of research and reading into exactly how the worlds of augmented reality and data visualization are linked.
We’ll go into greater detail below but just for now let’s put the main point first: the successful blending of augmented reality and data visualization is going to depend on mitigating both visual and information overload.
It's All Around You
Guess it started when, earlier this week here in the VisualCue offices, one of our data analysts was walking down the hall, phone in front of her face, completely absorbed in what she was doing. While we initially thought that perhaps she was just taking a video of our offices (they are amazing) we were all pretty amazed when she just walked right out the door.
Turns out she was just doing what over 65 million people have been doing lately- playing the latest augmented reality craze Pokemon Go.
Pretty soon the entire office had joined in and we were swapping stories about hunting down elusive Pokemon all around our Orlando offices and homes.
But it got us thinking about augmented reality- it’s a technology that VisualCue has used and continues to develop because we’re convinced that it will be an even more integral part of data visualization in the future.
So we asked around the office for everyone’s favorite augmented reality apps and games and got a list of amazing interactive experiences to share!
The Do's and Don'ts of Dashboards
In the April 2016 issue of Computers in Libraries author Susan Gardner Archambault brings up a number of interesting points about the use of data visualization in one of mankind’s most storied and worthwhile inventions: the library.
When most of think about libraries we tend to think of shelves of books and people telling us to be quiet no matter how silent we were being.
This article, however, not only sheds light on the modern library but contains useful information for anyone, even those not currently contemplating starting or improving their own library, with some of the major do’s and don’ts of what goes into a good dashboard. And who better to educate us than those who work in the library?
Data for Travelers
July 8, 2016Data Visualizations,Fun Friday
Ah, summer. Just thinking about it conjures up thoughts of popsicles, sports, freshly-cut grass and, of course, the family vacation. Around the VisualCue offices this week we have been talking about where this summer will find us. Some of us are staying close to home and visiting family while others are taking time to go a bit further afield.
Of course, as soon as we thought about where we wanted to go on vacation we immediately started finding some data about foreign and domestic travel and were, as usual, amazed with what we found.
So before you pack those bags for your summer getaway take a few minutes and check out some summer travel data.
The Death of the Dashboard
VisualCue is a friendly company. Honestly. At heart we are just a bunch of data enthusiasts on a mission to help the world use information better.
But here’s the thing- as much as we might like to be friendly and get along with everyone there is an undercurrent in our mission statement. We believe that the way the world is currently using data could use a little work- if everything were perfect there would be no reason for us to even be here.
We believe that we are at the forefront of progress at VisualCue. And sometimes progressing into a brighter future means leaving some things behind. And that can be a painful conversation to have- eye opening, yes, and necessary, but nevertheless uncomfortable because it admits that we aren’t perfect at something important.
We’re here to help you with that conversation.
Read more
The Data of Food
July 1, 2016Data Visualizations,Fun Friday
Maybe it’s because we haven’t had lunch yet, but today we have got food on the brain. And what happens around VisualCue whenever we can’t stop thinking about it? We scour the Internet for data visualizations.
Turns out there are a ton of visualizations out there about food! And it makes sense: everyone eats, and most of us care about eating well, so we collect data about the food we put into our bodies and visualize that data in interesting ways.
So tuck your napkin under your chin and grab those forks, this week we are looking at some of the most impressive visualizations about food!
9 steps to a successful data analysis
June 28, 2016Cuesday,Data Science
In 2o11, Peter Huber wrote a book about what we (the collective we, or the we of data analysis enthusiasts) have learned about the science and art of data analysis over the past 50 years.
To anyone who is interested in data visualization we highly recommend reading this book. Over the course of about 200 pages Huber carefully outlines exactly what data analysis is, what the current challenges are and how they can be overcome.
One of the aspects of this work that we find particularly interesting is the fact that he gives us, in great detail, a road map or checklist of activities that should be completed, in a particular order, in order for any data analysis project to be successful and meaningful.
Allow us to examine Huber’s checklist and provide our own insights into how we can help.
Star Spangled Data
With the 4th of July coming up our thoughts have been turning to all sorts of data surrounding the nations that we love. While VisualCue is a multinational company this branch (in English, that is,) is based out of the United States.
With that in mind we were talking about different uses for data to give citizens insight into their nations. Of course once we started talking about it around the office we started scouring the Internet for cool examples of what this sort of data could do.
While a lot of the data was pretty controversial and divisive we decided to instead focus on the best sites that just shed interesting light on new patterns of how nations celebrate themselves.
VisualCue 2.7 Release Notes
It’s one of those skills that no one seems to fully appreciate and yet could solve so many problems: listening. If everyone could listen, truly listen, to each other and learn from each other just imagine what we could accomplish.
What does this have to do with a data visualization and analysis platform like VisualCue?
Plenty. Because VisualCue is a platform we are constantly shaping, changing, evolving and improving the formula to make your VisualCue experience better and provide the single best analysis tool we can.
How do we know what to change and what to improve on? Simple- we listened to you. Here are the changes you requested that you will see in VisualCue 2.7- coming June 30th.